SOBI 2 – Sigsiu Online Business Index 2

Diseño y Posicionamiento Web con Joomla Foros Joomla 1.5 Componentes SOBI 2 – Sigsiu Online Business Index 2

  • Este debate tiene 4 respuestas, 4 mensajes y ha sido actualizado por última vez el hace 15 años, 1 mes por Anónimo.
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    • #81838

      SOBI 2 – Sigsiu Online Business Index 2

      SOBI 2 – Sigsiu Online Business Index 2 is a directory component for the WCMS Mambo and Joomla! to show entries of companies, clubs, persons, shops, products, aso.
      The entries are divided into categories, which can contain subcategories. One entry can be entered in several categories. The companies/clubs/persons enter themselves in the index. Registered users can modify or delete their entries. Entries can be renewed by the user if they expire.

      Using the integrated Category & Entry Manager in the back-end, all categories and entries can be managed comfortably. Entries and categories can be deleted, unpublished and moved.

      A Fields Manager can be used to configure each field entirely. This concerns the ordering, obligatory fields, fees, field length (width of field and number of characters), field type (textfield, textarea, checkbox, checkbox group, select list, text code or calendar), search methods, in which view a field should be shown (Category View and/or Details View), and much more. An unlimited number of new custom fields can be added.

      For each entry two images can be uploaded (besides the linked images in the description). The images will be resized to a predefined size. With the URL field “image” it is possible to add fields for linked images.

      An alpha index is available to show only entries starting with a specified letter. Also only the most popular entries and categories, the recently updated entries, the new entries or entries by tags (mata keywords) can be shown.

      To let the customer pay for the not for free options easily, a connection to PayPal is integrated.


      Requirements for SOBI2.

        In order to use the Sigsiu Online Business Index SOBI2 on your server there are some requirements which have to be met.

        Joomla! 1.0.12+, Joomla 1.5.6+ (legacy or native) or Mambo 4.6.4+ installed
        PHP 4* (> 4.4.4) or PHP 5* (recommended PHP 5.2+)
        MySQL 4 (> 4.1.20) or MySQL 5 (recommended)**
        Apache Webserver*** (version 2.x+ recommended) with apache2handler or cgi/fcgi (recommended) PHP interface
        Safe Mode OFF
        GD library installed
        ECMA standard encoding (ISO/IEC 8859 and UTF-8)
        For Non-UTF-8 sites with special characters: Iconv library or mbstring module installed
        Java Script activated
        * Do not use PHP 4.4.2 or 5.0.4. These releases have known bugs.
        ** SOBI2 is not yet compatible with MySQL 6.x.
        *** SOBI2 is optimized for Apache, Microsoft IIS is not officially supported.

      More info:

    • #81846
      tuxmerlinTux Merlin

      :laugh: … powered by MoatSoft Web Design, jajajajajajajjaj :silly:

    • #82049

      Hola yo estoy montando un directorio de empresas para que se anuncien en mi web.

      Alguien me puede echar una mano en lo siguiente:
      – Editar la plantillas
      – Añadir un mapa de la localización de la empresa dentro de el aviso de la empresa
      – Formulario para contactar via mail con el cliente del anuncio.


      Un saludo.

    • #82073
      redloModerador Foro

      Si no abres un post nuevo, no te van a localizar para poder ayudarte. El foro como bien sabes es para ayudar de forma general a todo el mundo, si sigues el hilo de un post, con una nueva pregunta, lo unico que consigues es que se parezca mas un sitema de ticket de soporte unico y personalizado que un foro en si. Abre un post nuevo, por favor y te ayudaremos encantados.

    • #82092

      Ok, pues ahora escribo un post nuevo.

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