Al instalar me salta alguno errores, completa la instalacion y no puede mostrar las fotos de album, avatar, etc
este es el resumen al empezar la instalacion de mi jonsocial querria saber
JomSocial Installer
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Below are the core files needed to proceed with the installation
Backend archive OK
Ajax archive OK
Frontend archive OK
Template archive OK
Core plugin archive OK
Folder writable
The following fodlder need to be writable for the installation to proceed
/administrator/components/com_comunity/ Yes
/components/com_comunity/ Yes
/plugins/ Yes
If any of these are not supported (marked as No), your system does not meet the requirements for installation. Some features might not be available. Please take appropriate actions to correct the errors.
JPEG Library No
PNG Library No
GIF Library No
GD Library No
GD2 Library No
cURL Library Yes
Recommended PHP configuration
Setting Minimum value Current value
max_execution_time 300 30
max_input_time 300 -1
memory_limit 128 128M
post_max_size 4096 8M
upload_max_filesize 4096 2M
Recommended MySQL configuration
Setting Recommended value Current value
wait_timeout 120 60
connect_timeout 120 50