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One of the latest 5.0.0 Beta versions of Phoca Cart has been released. It is expected to be released soon as a Release Candidate version and then a Stable version.
It would be great if you could help us with testing to speed up the release of the Stable version
[b]What’s new in version 5.0.0[/b]:
– Dark theme support
– Advanced product batch processing
– Watermark and AVIF support (Supported formats: JPG, PNG, WEBP, AVIF)
– SQL query optimization (Optimized for large number of items (tens of thousands of products, thousands of categories, hundreds of thousands of orders))
– MultilanguageSupported multilingual features:
– Phoca Cart Core Multilanguage (NEW)
– Joomla Core Multilanguage
– Falang
– Multilanguage CK
– n3t Language Filter (NEW)– Back in Stock Notification
– 3 New Cassiopeia Child Templates, YOOtheme Pro 4.3 Support (Supported template frameworks: YOOtheme, Gantry, Helix, T4, Sparky, …)
In this release, the new multi-language feature needs to be tested the most
Just turn on Joomla multilanguage plugins (or modules) and in Phoca Cart settings turn on multilanguage feature. Then you can enter products and other items in multiple languages.
How to set up a full ecommerce site can be found in this article: [url=]Create an e-commerce website using Joomla and Phoca Cart[/url] or this video:
The new 3 child Cassiopeia templates (Toys, Beauty, Furniture) can be used for testing. They can be downloaded here:
You can download the latest Phoca Cart 5.0.0 Beta version here: you have already tested Phoca Cart 5.0.0 Beta, you need to check the database when installing this version. (There is no automatic update of database tables or columns between different Beta versions – changes can be seen in the file: administrator/components/com_phocacart/update/sql/mysql/5.0.0.sql).
If you have any questions or need to report feedback or report a bug, please use this forum or the [url=]Phoca Forum[/url]
Thank you.
ParticipanteHi, I would like to ask for your help again. This time it is Joomla 4.
Phoca Cart has been rewritten for Joomla 4 and is now in Alpha phase – so in very early stages and needs to be tested properly.
If you are willing to test it, you can download the Alpha development version here: as always – bug reports or feedback can be made on the Phoca forum.
Thank you all.
I would like to ask for your help again in testing the Beta version. In version 3.5.7, two big features have been added, the ability to purchase gift vouchers and bulk price editor.
Gift vouchers – see video:
Bulk price editor – see video:
Therefore, we need to test this version properly before making it a stable version.
You can download the Beta version here:
As always, I would be very grateful for testing and any feedback.
Thank you, Jan
ParticipanteHello to all,
new development version of Phoca Cart has been released – version 3.5.7 Beta (3.5.7Beta8).
This is a Beta version and is for testing purposes only.There is a new feature – Bulk Price editor, which needs to be tested properly.
It will be great to get feedback regarding this new feature.
Big thanks to all the testers.
The Beta version can be downloaded here:
Thank you, Jan
ParticipanteHi, Phoca Cart version 3.5.5 is now stable.
Compared to beta versions, it has support for PHP 8. So if anyone is using PHP 8, I would be very grateful for feedback.
Thanks, Jan
thanks to all who tested the beta.
The stable version 3.3.0 was released as a result[img][/img]
As described in the beta release, the most significant change is the ability to change HTML output (Bootstrap 3 or Boostrap 4, Glyphicons, Font Awesome 4 or Font Awesome 5, etc.).
A new module with the component has been released: Phoca Cart Mega Menu Content Module. You can display a list of categories or brands/manufacturers in Mega Menu (in templates that can be used to insert a module position or instance in Mega Menu).
[img][/img]In addition, Phoca Carousel module was published, which displays a slideshow. Each section can contain a background image, title and description (HTML), button and another image.
[img][/img]Demo can be seen here:, again, thanks to all who have tested.
Thanks, Jan
there is a new Beta (version 3.3.0) now: version should be [b]not[/b] tested on production server, only on test server because of possible conflicts when upgrading)
The main news is the ability to switch between Bootstrap3 and Bootstrap4 HTML output or to switch between Bootstrap Glyphicons and Font Awesome 4 or Font Awesome 5 icons (if the template supports it).
In this article, there are instructions how to set up Phoca Cart and Astroid template (Boostrap 4):[img][/img]
The guide includes the links to overrides which can be copied to Astroid template and display Phoca Cart Cart module, Phoca Cart Wish List module, Phoca Cart Compare module and Phoca Cart Currency module in top module position.
It is still Beta version (development version) so will be great to get a feedback.
Thank you, Jan
new version of Phoca Cart – version 3.2.0 – released: most important news are:
– The ability to use WebP images or to automatically create WebP alternatives to existing images (JPG, PNG, GIF)
– The ability to view product images with Lazy Load technique
– Display price or “Add to cart” button for all selected access levels or selected customer groups
– Download files can be assigned to product attributes
– Two types of tags (tags and labels) – they can be used together or separately in the search
– Automatic setting of delivery and payment methods, if there is only one method and it corresponds to the rules
– Automatic skipping of the delivery and payment method if it does not conform to any rules or is not specified at all
– the ability to use colors and images for filter specifications
– POS documents can contain variables, …Most new features can be seen here:[img][/img]
I am pleased about the feedback, thank you.
ParticipanteHello, a new version of Phoca Cart has been released – version 3.1.8
The main innovation is the product and category language association, see:
Plus a new plugin with the amount required for free shipping, see:
Possibility of own numbering of invoices or possibility of inserting variables into the delivery or billing address on invoice/delivery note/receipt etc.
Thank you for any feedback.
Thanks, Jan
new version of Phoca Cart has been released (3.1.3): even new template – Phoca Premiere has been released: Premiere is a Joomla! & Gantry 5 & Phoca Cart template.
See demo: screenshots:
Categories View:
Category View:
Product View:
Any feedback is welcome.
Thank you, Jan
new version of Phoca Cart – version 3.1.0 has been released.There was a lot of feedback, so many new features were implemented, see changelog: new features: Invoice management improvement:
POS (point of sale):
New Phoca Cart Brands module and Phoca Cart Product Scroller module:
Privacy checkboxes for checkout and ask a question forms, etc.
As always, I will be happy when you test this new version and send feedback.
Thank you very much.
a new version of Phoca Cart version 3.1.0 Alpha has been released. It includes POS (Point of Sale) function. This is the development version (ALPHA) – it is designed for testing only – please, don’t upgrade your stable version to this development version.So if anyone would like to test this version, I’d like to get reported bugs and feedback. Thank you. (For testing you need to run Phoca POS template: )
News: of new feature + guide how to install and test it: Scanning product SKU, loyalty card number and coupon with scanner. Printing receipt with POS printer
Video: Order and Payment, Currencies, List of orders
Thank you, Jan
Phoca Cart version 3.0.3 has been released:
(Hide “Add to cart” button in case the product is out of stock)In this version, SQL queries have been optimized, so it would be great to do as many tests as possible
(Currency module displayed in top menu)Thank you, Jan
Phoca Cart version 3.0.1 has been released: always, I would be grateful for feedback.
Thanks, Jan
thank you to all who have tested.
Phoca Cart is now stable: template Phoca Star has been released: can download Phoca Cart here:
And Phoca Star template here: you, Jan
new version of Phoca Cart – 3.0.0 RC9 has been released are no new features planned up to stable.
Now it’s all about testing, so stable can be released soon.
For feedback I would be very grateful.
Thank you, Jan
new version of Phoca Cart – 3.0.0 RC8 has been released important new functions are:
Price History
and Shipment Tracking
and Plugin Events.
There is a new template [URL=””%5DSimone%5B/URL%5D for Phoca Cart made by [URL=””%5DJoomForest%5B/URL%5D:
Will be great if you can test it and send the feedback.
Thank you, Jan
new version of Phoca Cart – 3.0.0 RC7 has been released
The most important new features are customer groups and rewards
Tim Davis (Basic Joomla Tutorials) made a cool video, which describes how to use the startup wizard.
[video][/video]For feedback I would be very grateful.
Thank you, Jan
ParticipanteHi, no problem, it is still under development.
Thank you, Jan
new version 3.0.0 RC 6 has been released: of new features in RC6:
– advanced stock management
– layout type view, new types for displaying items in category/items view: Grid, Grid List, List
– discounts: product discounts, cart discount, coupons
– zones
– possibility to add percentage cost for payment and shipping methods
– possibility to change invoice number format
– rounding
– possbility to use the component as catalogue:
– etc.In addition to the new features, the inside of the component has been refactored: new calculation, new autoloader, …
New features added to work with Joomla! 3.7
A lot was changed in the component, will be great if this can be properly tested.
Than you. Jan
Phoca Cart Version 3.0.0 RC5 has been released:
Frontend (Mobile):
I will be very grateful when you test it.
Thank you, Jan
ParticipanteHi, thank you very much.
I have Spanish translation ending with Beta 1 (got from you earlier)
This update begins with RC2 (RC2, RC3)
So I am missing now Beta2 and RC parts
Do you have anywhere some complete package?
Thank you, Jan
ParticipanteHi, great, when updated, please let me know the link to the translation.
Thank you very much, Jan
ParticipanteHi, is there are spanish language pack for Phoca Cart? So I can add it to Phoca Cart site and add the link to the translator for latest releases?
Thank you.