JW Video Player

Joomla Version
Joomla 3.x
Descripción larga del negocio

Un Módulo Reproductor de Videos o Listas de videos con un alto grado de configuración, pudiendo presentar lissta de forma vertical u horizontal al modo de los módulos de presentaciones de imagenes comunes de Joomla. La insercion de las listas resulta de lo mas sencilla. Adminitración de los Parametros : Module Class Suffix Automatic Module Setting Suffix (Multiple Player with different Playlist on same page) Global : Native Template mootools/Jquery compatible (since upgrade to swfobject 2.2) Global : Display or Not Link to Adobe Flash Installer Layout : Playlist Position (None, Top, Bottom, Right, Left, Over). Layout : Control Bar Position (None, Bottom, Top, Right, Over). Layout : Size Of the Player Configurable. Layout : Height of the player Configurable. Layout : Width of the player Configurable. Layout : Transparency of the Playlist (Transparent / Opaque). Color : Background color Configurable. Color : Frontcolor Configurable. Color : Lighcolor Configurable. Color : Screencolor Configurable. Behaviour : Auto Start (Choose Automatically start the player on load). Behaviour : Buffer Length (Number of seconds of the file that has to be loaded before starting.). Behaviour : Repeat (None / List / Always / Single). Behaviour : Shuffle (Shuffle playback of playlist items). Behaviour : Volume (Startup volume of the player). Behaviour : Icons (Hide or not the play button) Behaviour : Smoothing (Setting to get performance improvements with old computers / big files) Behaviour : Stretching (Defines how to resize images in the display) Plugin : AdTailSolution (LongTail's AdSolution allows you to run pre-roll, overlay mid-roll, and post-roll advertisements in your media player). RTMP/HTTP Streamer support (Single File) Start RTMP/HTTP (Single File) NUEVA version HTML5

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4 comentarios en «JW Video Player»

  1. ayuda

    hola, amigo me pudes dar información la cuestión es que el modulo no se deja instalar sale el siguiente error: JInstaller: :Instalación: No puede encontrar el archivo XML de instalación de Joomla

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